Concept Art for Avatar Attraction at Walt Disney World
Deadline Tuesday Dec. 5, Final Project Presentations: This week the final project is due. Students will be asked to present their project orally in class for about 5 minutes each, summarizing the central concepts and introducing us to some of the specific elements of the theme park worlds you have created. Your written project synopsis should be approx. 500 words and may include any maps, illustrations or other visuals you may like to help make your ideas clear. It is the written elements of the project that will be emphasized in the project review. Presentations can be reasonably casual as they might be if offered in the context of a charrette. The written portion of your project must be posted on your blog by Tuesday morning. Students who have requested their final portfolio review for Dec. 5th must also have all their portfolio complete and posted on their blogs by Monday night, Dec. 4. During class we will fill out the online course evaluations and prepare for the final portfolio reviews.