Thank you for submitting your Planet Inventories. We are ready to start the second half of this semester's project. For this part of the project you need to know how to program a simple hypertext story (game) in Twine2. We have created some tutorials to help you do this.
First. Go to
and download the appropriate version (Mac or Windows) for the computer you are using.
When you complete the download the program and install it, it will create a folder called "Twine" in which there will be a folder called "Stories"
Download all the files in the Google Docs Folder linked to the email I have sent to you and put them in the "stories" folder of the "Twine" folder on your computer.
Once these are downloaded make sure you have included the folder for "visitingimages" and the Visiting storyfile which is an html file. If you click directly on any html file in this folder it will come up in your browser and you can play it....however
We want to edit the file so start the Twine2 program and on the start page, after you go through some introductory passages which you can read or follow if you like to other resources, the story files will come up in what is you usual start page when you will open the program in the future.
Click on the story called "Visiting" and this is a step by step tutorial for how to code basic interactive passages in Twine2. The instructions will be in one color and the actual coded sections you will be able to edit are in another color. Go through the tutorial adding details and learning how to code your passages. There are several tutorials on line as well and I will link these to the course blog where these instructions will also be listed.
Fill in the data for Visiting using the information you have assembled for your planet. Let a potential vistior know something of your planet through the story/game you are creating.
This "Visiting" tutorial will teach you how to create passages, how to link passages, how to make sure you include return commands to all your passages so no one gets stuck down a dark passage with not way out, how to add pictures to your passages and how to style text in your passages for different text effects.
In 48 hours we will issue the second set of instructions for the next tutorial please complete your first tutorial by then. To help you, Rick Dakan has prepared a cheat sheet of Twine2 basic commands in the file in the stories folder called "Twine basics" this is not a twine file but a basic text file which you can load into a word processor usually by simply clicking on it.
Go to the course blog for additional help if you need it. Email me if you are completely can email me if you are only partially confused but try to figure it out yourself first.
Here are some video tutorials that you might want to look at before you start creating the Visitor story we are asking you to do. These tutorials cover much of the same ground and even go further as you get acclimated. I recommend looking at the first one first...then doing the Visitor tutorial. Afterwards you can learn some of the other tricks in the other videos which are short and tweak the look of the text you are creating.
This is the most basic work through tutorial for the program to learn its basic function. You may want to go through this tutorial before you do the "Visitor" tutorial although they cover much of the same ground.
This is a good tutorial in Twine2 about Twine2
Here are some more advanced tutorials you might want to reference as you get more comfortable with Twine2.
Basic RPG Tutorial
Part One:
Part Two:
How to Create a Space Exploration Game in Twine 2 (This is a good relevant Tutorial to what we are going to do)
How to Have a Character ask they Player their name
Tutorial for Macros
How to link passages in If statements
How to make a combination lock in Twine2
Building an Inventory System in Twine 2
Twine Cheat Sheet
And is a list of Youtube tutorials by Dan Cox that seem useful
And here is a longer list of Youtube tutorials for the most recent version of Twine 2.3 (Most of us will probably use Harlowe as the story format, it is the default)
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